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Course Overview.

Mean full stack

Welcome to the ATIVS, your premier institute for IT training, certification and development. MEAN stack course is a training program in which you get to learn the components of MEAN stack technology. MEAN is an acronym which is the short form of the names of 4 technologies: • MongoDB: A NoSQL database that stores data in the form of JSON-like documents. • Express.js: A web application framework based on Node.js, which helps in writing server-side logic. • Angular: A front-end framework used to create dynamic single-page web applications.• Node.js: A server-side JavaScript runtime environment used for back-end development.

Course Detail

Total Duration

4 Months







MEAN Stack Course

Learn Full-Stack Web Development with MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js

  • What is taught in MEAN Stack Course?
  • • MongoDB: Database setup and configuration, CRUD operations, data modeling, and indexing.
  • • Express.js: Creating RESTful APIs, using middleware, and server-side routing.
  • • Angular: Front-end development, use of components, directives, services, data binding, and dependency injection.
  • • Node.js: Server setup, asynchronous programming, file system handling, and HTTP module usage.
  • Benefits of the Course
  • ✔ Gained knowledge of full-stack development.
  • ✔ Experience in developing complete applications using one programming language (JavaScript).
  • ✔ Job opportunities as a Full-Stack Developer or MEAN Stack Developer.
  • ✔ High demand for freelancing projects.